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resize2mail ottimo tool on line che permette la modifica delle immagini,e' possibile ridimensionare,tagliare,ruotare ,e sceglier il formato.

5 commenti:

The_Sphinx's World ha detto...

hello, can you also change the size of ecards? I tried with the Mother's Day card in my post but I wasn't able to. My son didn't have any knowledge about this too.

GraficWorld ha detto...

Hello I think it is possible using a screenshotche located in sez resources webmaster

The_Sphinx's World ha detto...

Thank you, I will ask my son to look into it. As it is, I am not very good in computers (all i know is email and blogging). Thank you for the invitation to put a banner in your site. Do you mean an exchange of links?

Alex Mazilu ha detto...

could i have an email?


Susan ha detto...

Nice Blog, sincerely, Susan http://his-hers.ozzieblackcat.com